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King & Prince will release their 12th single “Life goes on / We are young” on February 22nd. The music video for “Life goes on”, a song included in this work, has been released on the YouTube King & Prince channel.
And this time, the Dear Tiara edition includes a project video titled “Get back your youth!” Early in the morning, 5 people gathered in a complex amusement facility, and in the time limit of about 2 hours until the store opened, they played to their heart’s content, and after playing, they had a BBQ. It is said that it is an image that can enjoy people’s relaxed expressions.
#嵐#大野智#二宮 和也#松本潤#相葉雅紀#櫻井翔#ARASHI#Storm#氷川きよし#平野紫耀#岸優太#永瀬廉#高橋海人#神宮寺勇太#King&Prince