


[NOBAR MV] P NGEWOTA AKB48 – Anindya Sarasvati Ch.

Anindya Sarasvati is busy simping idol whatever dimension they’re from!
Please supporty my bad decision.



Model and logo by:


General : #anindyasarasvati
Live : #anindylive
Fanart : #artnindyasaras / 18+ #aranindya
Meme : #anindymeme

maklum tapi, ya.
2. Tolong saling hormati dan baik ke sesama viewers.
3. Ngomongin VTuber lain boleh asal positif dan tetap menghormati vtuber tersebut, ya.
4. Backseat dan spoiler kalo Anin minta aja, ya.
5. Gak boleh rasis, lgbtphobic, dan perbuatan yang melanggar etika lainnya.
6. Tolong jaga chat biar tetep family friendly. Kecuali kalo stream/kontennya emang lagi nsfw/21+. Baca dulu soal nsfw/21+ di streaming Anin di bawah, ya.
7. Anin bukan psikologis atau orang yang bisa menyembuhkan/membantu kesehatan mental kamu. Kalau butuh bantuan soal itu, tolong segera hubungi kerabat irl terdekat atau ahlinya.
8. Anin melakukan live dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Silakan chat menggunakan kedua bahasa itu. Selain itu kemungkinan tidak akan Anin tanggapi.

1. Feel free to chat about whatever with other viewer on Anin’s chat. It’s okay to stray off topic. Please understand if Anin don’t get what the topic is about though.
‌2. Respect other viewers and try to be kind with each other.
‌3. It’s okay to talk about other VTuber on Anin’s stream in positive and respectful way.
‌4. Only backseat and spoiler game story when Anin ask for it.
‌5. Any form of racism, lgbt+phobic, bigotry behaviour is not allowed.
6‌. Please keep the topic as family friendly as possible. Except for certain stream/content that Anin have marked as nsfw/21+. Please read more about that on Anin’s about nsfw/21+ section below.
7‌. Anin is not a psychologist or a person that can solve your mental health. If you need help on that, please contact your trusted irl person or a known psychologist/psychiatrist around you immediately.
8. I am doing live using EN an INA. Please chat using those two language. Other than that, I might not respond.

Let’s have fun on my stream!


Anin is no way a seiso VTuber. I will make NSFW jokes from time to time. However, Anin have boundary and comfort line too. As I go on with my streaming activity, I will remind viewers if i feel that the sexual jokes went too far. Please understand my request and to stop doing it. I will, without second thought, ban you from my stream if you still goes on. Also please mind that sexual harassments is not joke. I will also ban you without second thought if that happened.

Lastly, Anin will definitely mark my stream if it has NSFW/21+ content. Please mind that NSFW/21+ contents arent always about sexual content. Maybe from time to time Anin will do a stream that talk about mental health, lgbt+, and other political view, and marked it as NSFW/21+ as Anin consider those topic will need viewers with broader/mature mind to talk with. I hope everyone understand and can have fun!

Anin bukan VTuber seiso. Anin pasti bakal bikin becandaan NSFW sewaktu-waktu. Tetapi, Anin juga punyab atasan ya, guys. Jadi pas streaming, Anin mungkin bakal ngingetin kalo kalian bercandaan nsfw-nya kejauhan. Tolong ngertiin permintaan Anin dan stop bercandaannya, ya. Kalo kalian lanjut, Anin gak ragu-ragu untuk nge-ban kamu dari stream, ya. Pelecehan seksual bukan bercandaan! Bakal Anin ban tanpa mikir kalo kejadian.

Terakhir, Anin bakal nandain kalo konten streamnya NSFW/21+. Tolong ngerti kalo konten NSFW/21+ gak selalu konten sexual. Mungkin dari waktu ke waktu Anin bakal stream soal kesehatan mental, lgbt+, dan pandangan politik yang butuh penonton yang pikirannya lebih luas/dewasa. Semoga semua ngerti dan bisa seneng-seneng, ya!

♪ stream cafe – if i only knew
link: https://youtu.be/5v9pfI2NLO4

Collab/other inquiries please contact anindyasarasvati96@gmail.com


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