

Hard Knock Days by Generations From Exile Tribe Vocals 100% FC Rock Band 3 (Custom)

Charted by ghostbyob
Tier – 4, Challenging
Going further into the series, past the major time skip for the story, comes the themes like this song. This song is the 18th opening theme of the ongoing manga based series One Piece, a good bop to say honestly. I had a co-op of this back when I had my previous channel, but then I foolishly deleted it. Here on this channel though, I felt like wanting to put it up this time for that reason.

This song can be a little tricky trying to switch between the harmony notes mixed in with the lead singing for the solo chart. This is a fast paced song to which that also adds to the difficulty.

I do not own the rights to this game (as it’s licensed by Harmonix)

You can find the chart for this custom here:


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