


敷地条件を諦めないリノベーション「光庭の家」大阪の建築家・守谷昌紀【WORKS 】012

大阪の建築家、一級建築士事務所 アトリエmの守谷です。

– 敷地条件を諦めないリノベーション –「光庭の家」







形態も新築、リノベーション、コンバージョンと様々。 物づくりの現場より面白い所を私は知りません。

【web site】http://atelier-m.com/

株式会社 一級建築士事務所 アトリエ m
建築家 守谷昌紀(モリタニマサキ)
tel 06-6703-0181
E-mail: info@atelier-m.com


I’m Moritani from Atelier m, an architect and first-class office in Osaka.

A dark building in a dense residential area in Osaka City was revitalized with a light garden. Here is a renovation that does not give up on the site conditions.

– Renovation without Giving Up on Site Conditions –
“House in the Garden of Light”

The existing house was located in a dense residential area of Osaka. The passageway on the west side is narrow, and the neighboring land looms on both the east and south sides. In order to revitalize the first floor, which had not been used much due to lack of lighting, we thought it necessary to bring in direct light and wind.

In the center of the southern end of the house, we created a 1.5 tsubo light garden that runs through the roof. As this was a two-family house, we simplified the floor plan by organizing the complicated flow lines and clarifying the purpose of each floor.

Both the first and second floors have a lighted garden at the end of their sightlines, with private spaces such as bedrooms and bathrooms on the first floor, and only one room, the LDK, connected to the study on the second floor.

The existing ceilings were removed and the ceiling height was increased to the roof level. The hidden structure was revealed, and the expression of the room changed dramatically. The increased intensity of light penetrates the translucent floor and passes through to the first floor.

In the light garden, we planted vigorous caulominoes. From the adjoining bathroom, the rain falling on the garden and the swaying leaves can be seen.

This light garden is not only a space to feel nature in a dense residential area, but also a symbol of living in this place.

It has been a quarter of a century since I established Atelier m in 1996. I have worked on about 100 projects for direct clients, mainly custom-built houses, clinics, stores, offices, and nurseries.I don’t know of any place more interesting than the field of manufacturing.


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