


笑顔でいられるファンキーなリノベーション「ときめく紺色の家」大阪の建築家・守谷昌紀【WORKS 】017

大阪の建築家、一級建築士事務所 アトリエmの守谷です。

– 笑顔でいられるファンキーな家 –





ときめく 笑顔でいられる 家にいる時間が大事 ファンキーetc








形態も新築、リノベーション、コンバージョンと様々。 物づくりの現場より面白い所を私は知りません。

【web site】http://atelier-m.com/

株式会社 一級建築士事務所 アトリエ m
建築家 守谷昌紀(モリタニマサキ)
tel 06-6703-0181
E-mail: info@atelier-m.com


I’m Moritani from Atelier m, an architect and first-class office in Osaka.
I would like to introduce you to a suburban expoused concrete house with a great view.

– Funky house to keep us smiling –
“Exciting Navy Blue House”〈Renovation〉

In a residential area in the suburbs of Osaka Prefecture, a 25-year-old couple purchased a so-called “for-sale” house. Twenty-five years have passed since then.

Their children are now adults, and at the age of 50, they decided to make a house suitable for the second stage of their lives.

The existing building had a living space on the first floor where the LDK and water area were gathered, but there was still a lack of lighting.

The second floor is very bright with each private room. In particular, the adjacent lot to the southeast was a single-story building, which offered good lighting, ventilation, and a view of Mt.

I love being at home, I love smiling, I love spending time at home, I love being funky, etc.

Although many key words were used, it was decided at the start of the planning that the exterior would be navy blue.

The most important point was to bring the LDK upstairs.

The ceiling and walls were removed on the second floor to create a large one-room space, and the windows on the south side were high-sided to allow light to enter from higher positions.

On the first floor, each private room is arranged in a rotating configuration. In particular, the coordinating area in the master bedroom was designed for the wife, who loves fashion.

Her husband is very active, surfing when he was younger and currently riding a motorcycle and running marathons, but he prefers to listen to music on vinyl records and is happy to spend his time reading at leisure.

On the contrary, he and his wife, who loves to go out on the town and is very fashionable, are a ruthless couple of contrasts.

Now, I wonder if the active couple has been thrilled with me.

It has been a quarter of a century since I established Atelier m in 1996. I have worked on about 100 projects for direct clients, mainly custom-built houses, clinics, stores, offices, and nurseries.I don’t know of any place more interesting than the field of manufacturing.


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