Hello everyone! In this video, I’ll be DIY renovating a special room for my beloved pups. I’ve put in a lot of new ideas and creative touches to create a comfortable and happy space for them. Hoping to bring them joy, I’ve poured my heart into crafting this space with love. Let’s see together how the dogs react to their new room! Join me as we enjoy the transformation process of this new doggy haven!
This channel showcases the daily life of a family residing in Fujimi, Nagano Prefecture, consisting of three Pekingese dogs, a Thai wife, a daughter, and a man nearing his sixties. The footage is mainly captured by my wife and me using smartphones, occasionally incorporating a Chinese-made action camera. Video editing is done using the user-friendly software Filmora, suitable even for amateurs.
While our filming and editing skills are amateurish, we strive to improve and evolve every day. We would be grateful if you could kindly watch over us with warmth and understanding.
カメラ iPhoneX AQUOS sense6 AKASO Brave7
編集ソフト Wondershare Filmore12
パソコン(ディスクトップPC)Windows10pro CPU Intel COore i5-6500 RAM 8.0GB×2 HD SSDに交換 (中古Cです(^_^;))